Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Specs for RE-Packaging of Wine/Olive Oil/Sake/Soft Drink

The Famous Wine & Olive Oil & Sake & Soft Drink Redesign Project:

Based on an existing wine brand (or Olive Oil, Sake or Soft Drink) of your choice, design a "new and improved"  label and matching gift box package that utilizes typography to its fullest extent. This redesign should  visually represents the aesthetic of the product you choose. Do your homework and investigate all aspects of your product. Ask all the appropriate questions regarding who owns the company (local family or large conglomerate).

Your Re-design should also appeal directly to a specific market audience of your choosing and should be designed not only with "shelf appeal" but with consideration made to the three dimensional quality of the packaging ( Point-of-Purchase.)
All necessary typographical elements should be included which are found on the existing product you have chosen to redesign ( bar code, net weight, and any other legal notations/requirements as prescribed by U.S. law and import standards.)

The Creative Brief:
Everyone is required to write a brief synopsis of why you chose the particular produce and package to redesign and indicate your new advertising/ strategy along with the focus audience you wish to market this product to directly. It should be clear and stated simply as if you were presenting this to the client.

The Taste Test:
Who, What, When and Where?
Make sure you have some familiarization with the product that you have chosen. Where did it come from? How does it taste? What restaurants serve it? If it's wine, is it  imported? Does it come from a family vineyard? Does the bottle or container represent the wine currently? Is it a limited edition or once a year wine? Does it reflect the country as well as its geographical location?

Make sure you know your product and the history of the product before starting out with any redesign. Stay away from products with little or no information in their history. You might choose a local store product (Krogers, Publix, Whole Foods, 7/11, etc.) but make sure you are upgrading their design.

Final presentation boards should also include:
1. The bottled Re-packaged product
2. A Gift Box of some type (sleeve, box, slip cover, removable decorative element of some type)
3. Printed photo of final project (Art-directed photograph of the bottle and gift box)
4. Comps and drawings of product as you are redesigning it.

Please remember this is a TYPOGRAPHICAL approach to an existing product that is currently on the market. Think about your color palette and approach to this product. Will the end result be a rubdown transfer on the bottle/box or will it be a printed label or combination of each?

The Prerequisites:
Everyone is required to bring in the original product before starting your redesign. (Each student is required to choose 1 from 3 original products they wish to redesign.)

Previous student work will be discussed, examples on the blog and discussions of building an gift box and/or decorative addition to the redesign bottle and photograph.

Deadline; TBA

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