CRN #86410
Stan Anderson, Associate Professor of Graphic Design
Tuesday / Thursday 2:30-5:20p
3 Credit Hours
Office 362 / Hours 9:30a-11:00a T/T (or by appointment)
stananderson@gsu.edu or stan450@bellsouth.net
Advanced Typographic Design. Prerequisites: GrD 3200 with grade of C or higher, and consent of graphic design area coordinator or instructor. Advanced concepts in typographic design within a studio problem-solving format; advanced digital techniques, formal, and experimental applications of typography. Lab Fee: $20.00.
3.000 Credit Hours
Everything is Problem Solving.
Advanced Typography combines the art, the technical skills and the creative concepts of designing visual communication. Advanced concepts in typographic design will be examined within a studio problem-solving format; emphasizing the conceptual development of hand-rendered, collaged and advanced digital techniques through formal and experimental type applications. This class will focus on the idea of “Type as Image” and the numerous incarnations in which type and typefaces exist in contemporary and historical graphic design.
There will be numerous "in-class" assignments much like a drawing class might incorporate in their own discipline. These “in-class” projects will be due at the end of the class and will become an important part of our typographical experience. There will also be several outside class assignments that will continue to serve as 'guideposts' for your experience during the semester. There will also be a variety of blog assignments for everyone to complete. Everyone is expected to participate.
Work Hard. Play Hard.
Each assignment is presented in a methodical and problem-solving format thereby allowing each student to identify and complete the assignment with a sense of professionalism and focus. Assignments focus on certain basic developments akin to graphic design and art in general. There will be a wide variety of visual problem-solving exercises that will encourage experimentation and individual creativity. Research in graphic design outside the classroom is also encouraged as part of the whole creative process of learning. Learning how to discuss your projects, from concept to completion inside a classroom prepares you for when you are called to do the same in a professional environment (internships, freelance and fulltime clients.)
Do what you say and say what you mean.
When you are inside the studio working during the class period it is expected that you be working on the projects from that class…not another class. Even if you have completed the project for the class you are in you should still be investigating and researching for that class and what might be ahead. You can always do revisions as well.
Absolutely NO work from any other class will be allowed to take place inside the classroom.
If you are caught working on projects from another class or Instructor you will be asked to leave and it will count as an absence. No exceptions. This is a black and white issue as it has been abused in the past and will not be tolerated further.
Please do not schedule Club/Fraternity/Sorority/Band/Sports/Internships during the hours of this class.
Communication is Key.
Each assignment will have the sufficient time allotment in order to compete the work. A completion date will be announced at the beginning of each assignment. *Any work that is NOT completed by the announced deadline and discussed at the project critique will receive the letter grade of "F." Remember you are graphic design majors now and should be taken more seriously. Again, any work that is NOT discussed during a formal, announced critique will not be considered “completed” by the Instructor and will receive a failing grade. You cannot make this assignment up. Everyone is expected to participate in all the announced critiques unless the Professor approves of your absence prior to the critique.
Unexcused absences and habitual tardiness (arriving late or leaving early to class) is always evidence of someone who is not particularly focused on the classroom learning experience. Students are allowed 3 absences during the semester. More than 3 absences can result in the student being dropped from the course and/or having the grade for the semester lowered by the Professor. However, the Professor will issue an email and verbal warning before dropping any student from enrollment in the class after the 3rd absence.
Live in the moment and plan for tomorrow.
Each semester there will be a working calendar to assist in guiding you as you work towards each deadline throughout the semester. Please remember that this “working calendar” is one that might change as the semester progresses for various reasons. The Instructor may find it necessary to completely change a scheduled project if necessary. These “working calendars” should help you in developing better time management. Everyone will be notified in plenty of time when a change occurs in the calendar.
Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way.
Critiques are scheduled at an appropriate time when student’s work is complete. Adequate time is given in order to complete the work. Each designer is expected to discuss his or her work with professionalism and to present their work as if they were doing so in front of the client. Each designer must learn to sell his or her projects by verbally and visually demonstrating strengths in this visual communication field. If you lack confidence in discussing your work then you need to practice prior to your critique presentation.
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun.
Perhaps the biggest problem with most creative individuals is how to manage time during any project. Bad habits that exist now will only follow you into your professional life and can certainly deter success for you later with clients. Be aware of how you work, where you work and what kind of research you put into your work. Plan ahead. Plan for technical problems that may arise in the last few hours of any project. Learn to back-up your work on a daily or weekly basis. Try to finish a project 24-hours ahead of its deadline so you can actually take a deep breathe and review it with “new eyes” prior to any presentation/critique. Time management can be your biggest friend or your worst enemy.
Facebook it, Twitter it, Blog it.
New this year with the Blogs.
Each of you should keep an online archive of your work in some form.
It can be a blog/tumblr/website.
Every project you create in class you should put up on your site.
With these images you will also need to write a paragraph or two about the process.
Again...The final image or images (you can also but other works in progress up as well) and the follow it up with some remarks about your production process or your thought process about the work.
There will also be blog assignments that will require you to put work up on your site as well.
These web blogs belong to you but with focus on this particular class. Please refrain from putting up information that is non-related to the class. No personal information is allowed on the blogs. If you already have a website prior to this class, then you should prepare yourself to create a specific place where you will put work for this course. You may wish to create a new site just for this class. Other outside academic work for other classes is permitted on your site; however, this particular site belongs ONLY to this course and cannot be used in conjunction with other classes or instructors. Please adhere to all rules and etiquette with regards to use of images on your site. Please always give credit and respect to those you include on your site. No profanity or any adult content permitted on these course blogs. This is part of your academic experience.
It’s Not Where You Start, It’s Where You Finish.
Each of you have literally been hand-selected to become the graduating class of graphic designers in 2012. You should be proud of your achievement in this competitive selection process. But now the work really begins as a major in graphic design. There were no mistakes made during this selection process. Each design major starts equally on a level creative field. Everyone is given the same opportunities to succeed or to fail. It should be taken seriously but each design major should also have fun during the process. No excuses and no drama, please.
As you know many students applied to the Graphic Design program and it was only through considerable conversations and reviews by your Instructors/Professors that each of you were selected as a graphic design major. Each of you possesses strengths that will serve collectively as inspiration to others in the group. Much of being a graphic designer is in sharing ideas and information with others throughout your tenure as a student at GSU. I encourage each of you to support and respect one another while focusing on honesty and celebrating the spirit of individualism and professionalism. You truly only have “once chance for create a first impression” with a client and your peers. Be open to suggestions, try to take individual criticisms with the spirit in which it is given and learn to share your ideas (success and failures) with others in the classroom. This is a very rich time in your creative life so embrace the entire experience. Learning to stay creative is every designer’s goal. It is not exclusive to just students as it pertains to every professional who chooses to create graphic design each and every day. We are all in this together moving forward.
The most successful classes that have graduate from GSU during my tenure have been those that created a sincere kinship between one another. This kinship and allegiance to each other during your undergraduate experience at GSU should carry over into your professional work experience after graduation. It will become an invaluable asset as you seek employment and creative projects in the future. You are creating a network of support at GSU that will hopefully support you for many years to come. Live the life you are so meant to live without apology and without fear.
I will always try to be available to you when questions or problems arise during the semester.
All that’s fit to print.
Typography Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Working with Type (Hardcover), Ina Saltz
208 pages, Rockport Publishers (July 1, 2009)
# ISBN-10: 1592535232
# ISBN-13: 978-1592535231
-This book outlines and demonstrates basic type guidelines and rules through 100 entries, including choosing the typeface for the project, striving for rhythm and balance with type, combining typefaces, using special characters, and kerning and legibility. These essentials of type design are critical to the success of any job.
Getting it Right with Type: The Dos and Don'ts of Typography (Paperback) Victoria Squire
176 pages, Laurence King Publishers (February 1, 2007)
# ISBN-10: 1856694747
# ISBN-13: 978-1856694742
-Typography is no longer the specialist domain of the typesetter: these days anyone who uses a computer has access to a wide range of typefaces and effects. This book offers an introduction to the basics of typography, including choosing which typeface to use; adjusting letter-, line-, and word-spacing for improved legibility; understanding kerning and leading; and mastering typographic details, such as italics, punctuation, and line endings. The book is illustrated throughout with practical examples demonstrating good and bad solutions. There are tips for specific design tasks, such as letters, charts, tables, and design for the screen, and a glossary explaining typographic terms.
Don't Even Think About It!
You are a design major now and this chosen discipline comes with a large amount of responsibility to yourself and your work. All work must be created by yourself and no one else unless prior authorization from the Professor is given in writing. All design work not created by yourself (other resources) must be approved by the Professor.
Plagiarism is considered a serious offense at Georgia State University and any student participating in this offense will be subject to all the rules as listed by the University. If the words, images, concepts and such do not belong to you, do not use them. Only under special circumstances (authorized by the Professor) are you permitted to use images other than the ones you create. Don't even think of pulling images off the Internet or purchasing images through a stock photo house. All images must belong to you. The Professor may ask you to show evidence that all work belongs exclusively to you. The Design Police will come arrest you!
University Policy on Academic Honesty:
Act. Don’t Re-act.
Disruptive Student Behavior:
Disruptive student behavior is student behavior in a classroom or other learning environment (to include both on and off-campus locations), which disrupts the educational process. Disruptive class* behavior for this purpose is defined by the instructor. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, verbal or physical threats, repeated obscenities, unreasonable interference with class discussion, making/receiving personal phone calls, text messages or pages during class, excessive tardiness, leaving and entering class frequently in the absence of notice to instructor of illness or other extenuating circumstances, and persisting in disruptive personal conversations with other class members. For purposes of this policy, it may also be considered disruptive behavior for a student to exhibit threatening, intimidating, or other inappropriate behavior toward the instructor or classmates outside of class. See the following link for additional information on this policy in the Georgia State University Student Handbook: http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwdos/wordFilesEtc/disruptive.pdf
To Be or Not to Be.
Course objectives that specify measurable and/or observable student learning outcomes. These learning outcomes should state course objectives in language that makes explicit the knowledge and skills students should have after completing the course. Consequently, these objectives may be quantitative or qualitative, as appropriate for the learning outcomes. The learning outcomes for general education courses are available at:
Lead. Follow or Get Out of The Way.
This is important so ready it carefully and more than once:
Class attendance is required. Each three (3) unexcused absences will result in the lowering of the final grade by one letter grade. Failure to come to class with adequate materials for producing work will result in a recorded absence for that day. Failure to arrive on time will be recorded as half an absence, so for example, arriving late to class twice during the term will be recorded as one absence. Similarly, leaving class early will be recorded as half an absence.
Roll will be taken at the beginning of each class. Information missed due to tardiness or absence will be the responsibility of the student. Absences may be excused due to illness, religious holidays or other extreme circumstances as defined by the University, but it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor and to give a written excuse as required by the University. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for other relevant information regarding absences.
Design majors cannot make below a C on any of their major classes. It's the same as failing the class. Students who do not pass this course are not permitted to sign up for a "Special Problems" class with the same Instructor's class they did not pass with the grade of a "C" or higher. You can request another Graphic Design full time Instructor to work with you to make up those 3 credit hours. It is of their choice whether they have the time to work with you independently. The Special Problems classes are not seen as classes to "make up work" from another class the student did not pass. These classes are on the books so that students can increase their productivity and explore new areas of their major....not to make up work from classes they did not pass.
It is encouraged that if any student does not pass a class in their selected major that they venture outside their own discipline (textiles, painting, printmaking, photography,etc.) to make up the needed hours to graduate.
Designers who fail to attend the first week of class will be dropped. Attendance during all classes is mandatory. This is your major and you should take it seriously.
*Read this section again so we are on the same page. You are responsible for any material missed due to any absence regardless of excused or not.
*No credit (“F”) will be given for work turned in after its due date or critique or client meeting.
Designers must provide an email address and phone number where you can be reached in the event that the instructor must contact you. Each designer will be responsible for checking email and course blog each day before class begins.
It's not where you start, it's where you finish.
Each designer is consistently reviewed against your own work. This means that your work is never compared to others relating to grades. You begin a project and work through the project and hopefully the outcome is something you can be proud of to put inside your portfolio. The goal is to give you enough work by your final semester in your senior year so you can pick and choose the 20 portfolio pieces to show at your Senior Exit Review in May 2013. Your work is graded based on how original the concept is as well as the execution of the work. Entering into the work as well is how well you handle your time management and execution and understanding of the software programs to produce what you envision. Also included in the grading process is how you discuss the work at critiques. This is an important part of any creative process and sometimes can become more important than you think as it relates to your project.
Lastly, tardiness and absences can also play a part of the grading process as described in this syllabus.
The most important part of the grading process is how invested you are with the work.
Does it feel authentic and original to you? Does the work demonstrate new strengths about you as a designer? Is the work you create following your creative brief and does it appear experimental from time to time? Does the work rely too much on past success or does the work demonstrate new interest in the medium?
Your work must evolve and change as you proceed through the program. It's the nature of all the various classes you take each semester thereby allowing each of you to discover new things about yourself as an artist and designer. You cannot afford to rest on your laurels at this point but instead continue the process of uncovering new details in your creative self.
In the next few weeks I will post all the projects along with the percentages for all those projects so that everyone is clear about how the grades affect the final average.
Learn to listen as much as you learn to talk.
Absolutely NO ipods/music/earplugs can be used inside the studio. No phone calls or text messages inside the studio. Designers should turn off your cell phones prior to entering the studio. If you need to use the phone you can excuse yourself and leave the design studio.
You are not permitted to look at movie sites such as Hulu/YouTube in order to watch movies during studio hours. If designers need to research a client or project then you have permission to visit those sites. I have no problem asking any designer to leave studio for the day if designers are caught looking at websites that I considered non course-related. If design majors are asked to leave the studio then it will be counted as an absence for that day.
You’re integrity is all you have.
Academic Honesty and Integrity:
Students are expected to act according to the highest ethical standards. Any and all cheating, including plagiarism, will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic grade of “F” for the course. Refer to http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwfhb/sec409.html as well as the Faculty Affairs Handbook at http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwfhb/sec409.html and the Undergraduate Catalog for specific regulations at http://www2.gsu.edu/~catalogs/2011-2012/undergraduate/1300/1380_academic_honesty.htm
Accommodation of Disabilities:
Students who wish to request accommodation for a disability may do so by registering with the Office of Disability Services. Visit http://www.gsu.edu/disability/ for more information. Students may only be accommodated upon issuance by the Office of Disability Services of a signed Accommodation Plan and are responsible for providing a copy of that plan to instructors of all classes in which accommodations are sought.
Retention of Work:
The School of Art & Design has the right to retain any student project, whether it be for display, accreditation, documentation, or any other educational or legal purpose.
Student Evaluation:
Your constructive assessment of this course plays an indispensable role in shaping education at Georgia State. Upon completing the course, please take time to fill out the online course evaluation.
Subject to Change:
The course syllabus provides a general plan for the course. With the exception of grading and attendance policies, deviations may be necessary and written notification of any changes will be provided.
E-mail: Information regarding assignments, schedules, and other course-related matters will be sent to your GSU e-mail address. You are responsible for checking your GSU e-mail account. When e-mailing the instructor, you must include your first name, last name, and course TITLE in the subject line of your e-mail.
Hazardous Materials:
Georgia State University is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment for its faculty, staff, students, and visitors and managing the University in an environmentally sensitive and responsible manner. There are procedures for responses and reporting of accidents, spills, etc. as defined within the Art and Design General Lab Safety Manual. Please know that by definition, most glues and paints are considered hazardous materials. Their use, for example, is restricted to areas well ventilated, and their disposal in only approved containers is mandated as well. For further information, refer to http://www.gsu.edu/images/vp_research/2012-03-27-Art_and_Design_General_Lab_Safety_Manual.pdf
Non-Discrimination Policy: Georgia State University stipulates that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, creed, age, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or national origin, be excluded from employment or participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by Georgia State University or any of its several departments now in existence or hereafter established.
Disabilities: will only be accommodated with a letter from the Office of Disability Services. This letter is not retroactive.
Sexual Harassment Policy Statement: Sexual harassment of any member of the university community is prohibited and will subject the offender to possible disciplinary action after compliance with due process requirements. Sexual harassment is also prohibited by the University System of Georgia and by state and federal law
E-mail: Information regarding assignments, schedules, and other course-related matters will be sent to your GSU e-mail address. You are responsible for checking your GSU e-mail account. When e-mailing the instructor, you must include your first name, last name, and course TITLE in the subject line of your e-mail.
Who you gonna call?
Georgia State University and the Welch School of Art and Design have installed punch code locks to make our buildings safer for students and faculty. You should treat any lab or studio under card lock as a secure space. As such, GSU and the Welch School of Art and Design ask that you abide by the following guidelines to help ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone:
1. Always have your GSU ID card with you when on campus.
2. Never allow anyone to use your card. If a student or member of the staff or faculty is authorized to be in the area, their cards will give them access. If anyone asks for your card, report the incident to campus police immediately.
3. Always report suspicious people or activity to the faculty or graduate student in charge of the studio or lab. If, for any reason, there is no faculty or graduate student supervision, report suspicious people or activity to campus police (404-413-2100)
4.Never try to enter a studio or lab by ‘piggybacking’ on someone else. For example, if someone is entering the lab or studio before you, do not try to get through the door while it is open. Wait for the door to close and then punch in the code again to gain entry. Similarly, do not allow someone else to come through with you. It can be tempting to hold the door open for someone whose hands are full with equipment, etc. This practice, however, is not secure and can put everyone at risk. Wanting to help is good, but be smart about it.
***Food or Drinks are not allowed in the Ernest G.Welch School of Art & Design Computer labs at anytime. This includes AH211, AH468, AH460 (The Creative Media Center). Thank you for observing this policy and showing respect for our facilities.
Students should purchase an inexpensive pair of earbuds or headphones for use with the schools lab computers.
These procedures are a course requirement and the consequences for violating them range from penalties to your course grade to expulsion from the class. Security is everyone’s concern. GSU and the Welch School of Art and Design thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Note: Class participation, as evidenced through open discussion with classmates on assignments, presentations, etc. as well as in conversation during desk critiques, will determine if decimals, resulting from averages, will be rounded up to the next nearest point for final grades. Note that grades below a C are not acceptable in the School of Art and Design to fulfill the requirements of the course and thus require a retake of the course.
Grade Points Description
A 90 – 100 Excellent
B 80 – 89 Good
C 70 – 79 Satisfactory
D 60 – 69 Minimal
F below 60 Failing
All students are required to meet course deadlines. Late work will not be accepted unless there are extenuating circumstances, such as those mentioned above under the paragraph on attendance. Make-up arrangements are the responsibility of the student and should be made with the instructor.
Lab Fee:
The Lab Fee for this course is $20 and it was assessed at registration.
GSU: Ernest G. Welch School of Art and Design
Inaugural Welch Symposium: Death is the Destination
Self-Portrait and Timeline/Info Graphic
Illustrative Alphabet and AD
Presidential Election 2012: You are what you speak.
Illustrations composed of words from the candidates. Submitted to CNN iReport for story.
13-Month Calendar with type
Beer/Olive Oil Redesign with Packaging and Point of Purchase
Kinetic Typography
AIGA: Get out the Vote
Get Out the Vote, an AIGA Design for Democracy initiative, enables designers to engage in the public arena by contributing to a coordinated voter mobilization campaign. By motivating eligible citizens to register and turn out on election day, Get Out the Vote fulfills an ongoing AIGA objective of demonstrating the value of design to the public, public officials and business by providing a clear call to action for an activity that is important to everyone.
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